Friday, October 24, 2008

Self Inflicted Pain....

Last night I made myself a fabulous dinner for one and thought, I think I'll have a glass of wine. I sat at my dinning table, enjoyed every bit of my meal and settled down to enjoy this ME time since my other half is away on business. Seemed like a good idea at time. LOL I don't know what I was thinking when the phone rang and one of my favorite people in the world from my 3D life was up for some chit chat and I topped off the ounce of wine I had left with another full glass. MISTAKE.
I mean yeah, it proved for some interesting conversation and lots of laughs. BUT, I forgot that as a teetotaler this was not a wise move. The reality is I can't drink more than ONE glass of wine or ONE frozen margarita. I KNOW this. Somehow I got amnesia and fantasized an irresistible barkeep had filled that glass again and ahhhh what the hell. Did I mention this was a MISTAKE???? I actually passed out and woke up in a bad way. I will spare you the details but KNOW when I say bad way I mean BADDDDDDDD WAY. lol
So excuse me while I nurse this nasty hangover. I have one more day to enjoy my Me time. It's a shame I've spent most of it hugging the porcelain thrown! Guess my cluttered closet will never get cleaned, huh? Damn that barkeep!
(and no Jen, I didn't get pneumonia! lol)


Linda said...

ROFLMAO!!! OMG Maggie, you had me rolling over here, you are just tooooo durn cute :) Hope you are feeling better....I can imagine the bad way, and it's got me gagging even thinking about it!! Although, I would have loved to be talking with ya with you were a bit tipsy...that would be fun stuff ;)

Pooh Hugs,
P.S.......Thanks for your wonderful comment to me about bullies.

Lazarai said...

I feel for you, Maggie!! I, too, have selective amnesia when it comes to drinking. Being a social drinker, when we go out with other people or go to a party, I never remember that I don't drink much anymore (one or two is my limit). Back in the old days, that limit was four times as much....LOL. Sometimes, among friends, I forget. And I always pay. And then I say never again. And then I forget THAT! LOL Vicious cycle, eh?

Hope you feel better today, Maggie!!


Wendy in Oz said...

OMG! See the same thing happend to me in Phuket!! I KNOW I can only have ONE drink. I KNOW I will not feel good if I have more - BUT - if you have the second drink then you don't KNOW anything and you just keep going! I feel for you Maggie! I really truly do! But you also make me laugh til I peed myself!!!

Have a great weekend


Wendy in Oz

Peaceful Epiphany said...

You are too damn funny...and I am glad you didn't get pneumonia afterwards like you did that one time! You crazy nut!!!
Be good to yourself...and to your poor toilet!