Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A day in the life....

On the way home from the dollar store, where we had spent 60 dollars collectively,(yes, I spent 45 and mom spent 15, lol) here is a snippet of our "car talk"...

"I really miss Daddy, Mom"
"You know they had anti-fungal cream, neosporin, and lots of over the counter medicines at the dollar store"
"Wanna go back?"
"maybe tomorrow"

Damn, I guess that means no quick fix for the grieving heart today, huh? LOL


Peaceful Epiphany said...

ROFL on the car talk. Your mom cracks me up. How can you stay "down" with her around? Hey...OURS has pregnancy tests too! I love the dollar store. And Goodwill. And I also love Momma C. :)
Love ya!

Jeanne said...

I guess the anti-fungal creams and the neosporin reminds Mama of Daddy.....(lol)

I love your mom....give her a hug from me!


Diana said...

Your car talk with mom is so cute! She must keep you laughing!! Hope you're having a great week!!



Linda said...

ROFL....priceless! Ya gotta love our Moms :)

Cute, cute, cute.

Pooh Hugs,

Lazarai said...

Awwwww, ((((Maggie))), Im sorry there isn't anything available at the Dollar Store to ease your aching heart. :(

Your mom is a trip....just like Peg (mine). At LEAST your mom 'gets' the concept of a dollar
