Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Avoidance at it's best!

Nope! I didn't get done what I had planned. I pretty much did everything in my power to avoid it and then decided I was very tired and took a nap! God! I hate this about myself. I really do. Yet, I never seem to be able to take the steps necessary to change it. Why is that?
I do see that I wrote "when hub leaves I can get it done" Who am I kidding, I'm not gonna get it done then just like I'm not getting it done now. Funny part of all this is I KNOW that if I could just get THIS done I can do so many other things. You see, I'm using THIS as an excuse to say "no" to other things. Am I tapping into to something here? hmmmmmm.
Thanks to everyone who commented. I know I sound like a whining baby. If I could only explain how incredibly weak I feel at this moment. Why is it that I let this control me. Why can't I just get UP and like Diana said just start small and move along. Hmmmmmm.
Ok, enough of this pity party. I'm gonna log off and get done what I didn't do yesterday and this evening I'm doing laundry! Ok, I gotta go, I have a busy day ahead of me. Speak to the organizational gods for me and send some motivation my way! I'm gonna need it, BIG TIME.
Yep, take two, lets hope I'm more productive at my second try! Ugh! I just hope I'm not here again singing the same song. Time will tell! Good news is, I didn't EAT myself into a coma, I just took a nap. lol That's not the same! It's NOT! LOL


Jeanne said...

Yeah, avoidance....gotta love it. That's how I feel about going to the for those healthy foods....planning those healthy meals. I SO TOTALLY GET IT....just not the same way that you do!!

TOMORROW I AM GOING TO THE GYM! It's like you said about this organizing stuff. You KNOW that once you get STARTED you will get alot more done. I KNOW that once I get my ass to the gym, I will be SO much more diligent about my eating!!

Maybe I need a nap too....(lol)


Peaceful Epiphany said...

Hmmmm....what's going on that you can't face that closet Mags???

It's JUST a closet full of old THINGS.
It's time to open the door. Baby steps.
Look inside. Baby Steps.
Take one thing out. Baby Steps. Decide if you are going to toss it or keep it. Baby steps. Repeat steps 3-4 over and over again until it's clean. But THAT is just a closet. Right? There is something else going on that makes you fear FACING it.

Time to figure THAT one out my ove!

Eva said...

You know what I think we're all avoiders in some way, shape or form, at least you recognize this within yourself, as do I. Sometimes we use this as a coping mechanism, I'm sure right now as I type this I should actually be doing my paper, and writing lesson plans that are due in 2 days, but I am avoiding all of that to comment, lol, see I'm an avoider too, lets start a club. Eh, on second thought what about tomorrow?
Hope I made you laugh.

Love and Hugs, Eva

Diana said...

You'll get there. I'm sure you're just overwhelmed. Here's another way I've heard about. It's called the 10 minute tackle. Set your timer for 10 min and do whatever you can, whole heartedly, in 10 minutes. When time's up, you can stop. If you feel like doing another 10 min....set the timer again. Then quit. But at least you started.

Sounds like good advice I should take myself!!! LOL I bet when you get started, you'll be fine.



Martha said...

Back in my AOL days I had cleaning challenges - maybe I should start it again, what do you think? Would you be willing to give it a try and play along? It makes it so much more fun if a group of us are being tormented together!