Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kissed By An Angel In Boyd Park

I hate this blogger. Just so you know. I cry out for space between paragraphs, silence! Chaos! I don't enjoy that. LOL I do enjoy *bitchin'* about it! LOL There's the good in it, huh?

Ok, now that's settled, I'm waiting with baited breath to see if THAT paragraph break happened! LOL I'm not checking... gonna let it build up! LOL Did I tell you how much I hate this blogger? LOL OK, OK. I got something that trumps any joy in bitchin' about blogger! I got a smile on my face from ear to ear with the memories of yesterday. Yesterday was a wonderful day, It was fan-tab-u-lous! It was the best.

I had the pleasure of the company of Joyful Jeanne. Ohhhhhhh yes I did. Let me tell you, we had a blast. I should have listened to her and took her up on her countless offers to come here and spend time with me while my father was dying. :sigh: My life is blessed to be graced with her friendship and love. She gives great hugs, Jen. Woooohoooooo get ready! Diana you're next! My next trip to NJ I'm hoping you will join us, we met in New Brunswick at Boyd park. LOL The woman who calls ME "directionally challenged" sends me to a place that doesn't exist! LOL LOL. I was lost and calling her, SHE was laughing at me. Why is it in NJ you gotta make a RIGHT to go LEFT? lol.

The "nice policeman" confirmed there WAS no Boyd Park. Plan B already in progress, she's finding a suitable substitute, I keep driving, lol. Few minutes later I see my BFF in the parking lot of a strip mall. The backdrop is my favorite store Amazing Savings. Ahhhhh, when you can't get out and get exercise... go shopping! Heaven! I couldn't get out of the car fast enough to throw my arms around her and hug her tight. I couldn't WAIT to bring her into my favorite store and stroll the isles looking at stuff and giggling. My connection with Jeanne was immediate. It was if I had known her my whole life. It was like we were catching up some quality time together like we always had. I know she felt the same way, familiar and it was divine! Heehee. (giggling cuz Jen is jealous!) What could be better than THIS? (hold on i'm getting to it) Well bargains of course. It was fun to share my thrifty side. We laughed and picked out a gift for my Eva's 6th birthday, a frame for her desk, some Christmas cookie jars, beautiful yarn and tons of gadgets! We love gadgets, Dad was the gadget master. I felt so much at home. We both were very much at home, with each other and our choice of activity. LOL We had so many laughs as we marveled at all the good deals and not so good deals around us. Not to mention some interesting navigation with the wagon. LOL

Next we scrabbled for a place to pee and found a farmer's market. Well actually the guy in the pizzeria told me to check it out while Jeanne was in the potty. LOL Yeah, a pizzeria, lol, I was deeply inhaling the sauce and cheese and we inspected it all before heading to the market! LOL We loaded our cart with fresh and healthy carbs instead and enjoyed the leisurely inspection of all of the healthy stuff at the market. We each spent 9 dollars! LOL All this retail therapy earned us some lunch. We loaded up our trunks and off we were to find a spot for food. She drives a huge mini van in case you didn't know that. She's a demon on wheels too but I'll get to that in a minute. LOL

We quickly found Chili's and wanted to do a bit more exploring before we settled into it And it WAS 11:30. I locked up my wheels and jumped into her bus and she damn near killed me twice. LOL I called her a maverick but got in trouble (laughing hard) so DEMON it is. LOL Music blasting, talking, laughing while we're supposeda be looking for perhaps another eating establishment, two voices scream out GOODWILL. She went up on two wheels to cut into that driveway, so help me god! LOL LOL I 'bout wet my pants.

You KNOW we each came out of there with a bag of treasures. I know this woman loves me, she patiently waited on line while the clerks kept rebooting their computer registers and butting into our conversation. LOL. Not that I understood what they said or why it was taking so long. hahahaaaaaa. Of course I enjoyed every minute of watching her controlling her flight response. Jeanne is a ball of fire and an energizer bunny, this place was torture but like I said we each left with a bag so it was worth the wait. LOL We killed an hour before lunch too even if we spend a good bit of it on line. LOL (not really, but it felt like it, right, Toots?)

It was back to Chili's for their guiltless grill menu! We had good food and shared a lot of laughs. I made sure to spoil her just like she spoils me! I brought all of the things I never got around to mailing so she had a ton of surprises. It was a joy to watch her digging into an endless bag of goodies! It was fun to just sit and talk and eat I had a black bean burger and Jeanne had a grilled chicken sandwich. We done good. We even called Jen to torment her! LOL I know, mean are we! LOL

It sucked that I had to leave because truthfully I was having a great time with my girlfriend who I'd never met. Jeanne is exactly who you see on the pages where she shares her life with us. She is beautiful inside and out. I'm blessed to be a part of her life and have her in mine. We have vowed to see each other on a regular basis. I can't wait to go to Boyd Park again. :wink: Start saving, Toots! LOL. We got a lot more "retail therapy" in the future to get done!

I know what you're thinking.. I'm a bit camera shy and will not post here but Jeanne has the pics! LOL Plus I was so busy YACKING I never took out my camera. Huge heads (lol, carol!) and big smiles. We laughed our heads off as we posed for a few shots. Neither one of us was satisfied and I whined. LOL She just might tie me down next time, I KNOW Jeanne, that whining shit won't work twice. LOL I love you Toots. Thanks so much for spending your time with me! You are indeed MY Angel!


Linda said...

I'm glad you had such a nice time, it's always fun meeting up with friends.


Lazarai said...

OMG, I had no clue you guys were meeting this week -- I'm jealous too!!!! Your day sounds like soooo much fun. I can't believe you were in New Brunswick - I grew up in EAST Brunswick, only a few minutes from there!! LOL

I'm glad you guys had a blast! Hopefully, you WILL be able to get together more often. :)

Anybody interested in our once-talked-about Florida Spring Fling '09? Mi casa et su casa....just say the word!!

love & hugs,
:) Carol

Peaceful Epiphany said... CANNOT hide your face from MY CAMERA when I come there in NOVEMBER! Are you ready? The 15th??? HA.

Pricing tickets....know it's just a month away.

Love ya,

Diana said...

WAAAAAAA!!!! I want to meet too!!! And I was off work on Friday!!!! Jen's coming in November????? You guys better let me know....ahead of time too, please!! :) I'm on vacation 11/3 - 11/4 in FL. I can take another day off!!! I do hope you let me know.

I hope Jeanne posts some pictures!!! I've had the pleasure of meeting Jeanne twice. And it is like meeting an old friend. It was a very short visit over breakfast, but I'd love to make a day of it with everyone.

Glad you had a great day!!



Diana said...

Ooops.....I meant I'm on vacation 11/3 - 11/14.



Wendy in Oz said...

WOW! What a fantastic day you guys had! I'm so glad you got to meet and spend some time together. I know what you mean - I just wanna hug some of my online friends in REAL LIFE! One day....

I have to say too that I was very impressed with your bargain shopping. You are totally correct when you say there is nothing like a good bargain to make your day! And I agree with the comment about if you can't excersize - GO SHOPPING! I'm sure thats what has helped me shed the weight I have lost (my husband is not sure about this

Have a great weekend.


Wendy in Oz

ck600 said...

What fun it sounds like you had! I know you'll have a blast in November too. I can't wait to see pictures, I know Jen won't let you get away with no pictures, LOL. I'm so glad you two finally got together, you are so close to each other. Don't forget your promise to get together with each other. It sounds like it was so much fun and it will be something to look forward to all the time.