Sunday, October 5, 2008

Same journey, different place...

Here I am in a new place with a new blog and the goal of writing more. I know I keep saying that but maybe this time it's true! I'd like to share my thoughts as I continue on this journey of mine. I know it's been a while since I've written and I do have lots to say but I just don't feel like organizing those thoughts at the moment. LOL. Isn't that awful?!?!
I guess today was all about trying to figure out how to set up a blog and visit my friends here. I'm a little bit freaked out as my last computer DIED and I lost a lot of photos and programs stored there. So it might take me a while before I have any really cool graphics. Heck it might take me forever just to figure out how to make this darn thing pretty. In the meantime, welcome! I'll be back, I promise!
Love yourself today, you're worth it :)


Jeanne said...

WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!! I am here with ya!!!


PS....I am now one of your FOLLOWERS! Sounds sort of "stalker-like" to me! (lol)


Diana said...

Welcome!! I'm so glad to see you writing again. I've really missed your journal. I guess this weight loss journey's been tough for alot of people. I'm not giving up!! I think it is best to take it one day at a time.

Looking forward to reading you again!!! LOL



Janis said... will take us all a while to learn this new way but it's been a fun experience!


Linda said...

I'm so glad you made it over here Maggie! I look forward to reading your journal are too wise to remain silent any longer. :) I've been praying for you & your Mom...I hope you felt it.

Pooh Hugs,

Lazarai said...

YAY, Maggie's here!! Good to see ya!


Peaceful Epiphany said...

I am here Mags! I may not STAY HERE, but for the time being..I am here.
Love ya,