Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting things done.

Here I am again! I am blogging more here than I did at my old place. Don't ask me why, I think it's time. I have been reading a lot of blogs and seeing everyone is pretty much on a "new start" so I thought I'd post this graphic. I lost my psp program and all of my "stuff" when my computer died. So most of the graphics I have I got from the old blog. I have to figure out just where I have the disc for the program. I'm thinking I gave it back to my niece who loaned it to me. Something else for me to do! I had a lot of extras which I KNOW I can't get back. I'm sad about that. Oh well, it is what it is and I'll have to start again. :glancing over at the graphic, uh-huh, BEGIN.
I had a fabulous weekend. Friday I met my BFF and played the day away. Saturday hub and I took a Moonlight walk in Green Wood Cemetery. We had a lot of fun and it was a lot of exercise. Up and down rolling hills. Our flashlights died ("because I buy cheap shit" lol lol) and it was a little scary not being able to SEE the pavement to walk on. LOL The 250 other people's flashlights did the trick. All and all it was really very interesting and some great cardio! We ended up at a Mexican restaurant and I did just fine. I had chicken fajitas and that is always an easy way to keep myself on track. Yesterday was another eating out ordeal and again, I did a Fandango Salad which was all kinds of good stuff and I added chicken. I got to spend some time with my little grand nieces and that is always the thing I like to do best. Nothing like little arms wrapped around me, sweet kisses and big smiles. Today, I'm just chillin' and enjoying having NOTHING to do.
I'm giving myself one more week to figure out this body of mine minus my gall bladder and it's back to the gym. I'm getting it, I'm sure it will be OK and if it's not it's back to the DR. UGH! It better be alright because the thought of having to go back to the Dr is not a good one. I'll work it out I'm sure! That doesn't mean I won't exercise. Just means I'll be back TO the gym next week. I want to get there and get with it. Too many things have happened to prevent me from that outlet and I need it.
My original plan of getting fruits and veggies back to my diet was a success. I have been banking my days again and feeling good about it. That's important. Every other attempt I made to diet, EVER was basically something I hated! Who likes to be on a diet? LOL This time is different. I DO enjoy all the things I eat and I feel very accomplished when I put that day in the bank. I passed on a lot of goodies this weekend and didn't feel deprived at all. I actually felt good with all the choices I'd made. It's all about that. Choice. Right? lol
So as I begin to make the right choices for me I hope you too are making the right choices for you! Love yourself today, it's worth it and so are you!


Diana said...

I could never do a midnight walk through a cemetary!! I am a big scaredy cat! I don't like horror movies and I can't stand the anxiety of being scared.

Yes it seems like there's alot of new beginnings going on and I'm one of them!! I'm going back to the gym to do strength training. I know you're happy to hear that!

Glad to hear your weekend was great.



Jeanne said...

My biggest joy is having you here writing again. You might not know it, but you really ARE an extremely big motivater to me. I know I have to do all the work to make it happen, but having you here to do it too is to me!!

I worked so hard "at the office" today (that sounds so funny) and I am so tired and I WANT to do a damn entry.....but I cannot seem to keep my eyes open!! (lol)


Lazarai said...

Glad to see you posting again...and back to banking. :)

:) Carol

Peaceful Epiphany said...

Mags, DITTO what Jeanne said. YOU are a terrific motivator to ME too. Between you, Jeanne, Diana, Carol, Charmaine and Sarah...I AM going to get this weight off...and I will have all of you to thank for keeping me on the right path.

I love this graphic...I am snagging and you may see it later in one of MY blogs. LOL.

Love and hugs to you!